Travis Spencer

Travis Spencer is a mental health therapist and mindfulness teacher/facilitator. Additionally, Travis is a mental health coordinator for Inward Bound Mindfulness Education (IBme) retreats in Virginia and in California. Additionally, Travis established:
- The Institute of African American Mindfulness (IAAM). IAAM is a healing and wellness organization that supports the natural capacity of African Americans and Allies to live in an inclusive community devoted to Mindful Living.
- The Mindful Teen Circles (MTC) at Georgetown. Mindful Teen Circles at Georgetown’s mission is to create an inclusive healing-centered community of practice that employs mindfulness to support the psychosocial development of teens (Identity versus Confusion).
- The Mindful Teens of Color at Taratibu Youth Association (TYA). MTC at TYA supports African-Amerian teens and other teens of color by creating a mindful environment to foster (1) physical, (2) mental, (3) social, and (4) emotional well-being.
He is a graduate of Trinity Washington University with a Master of Arts degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. He is an active member of the Early Childhood Innovation Network (ECIN), and established The Mindful Teen Circles at Georgetown (MTC@GT). MTC@GT’s mission is to create an inclusive healing-centered community of practice that employs mindfulness to support the psychosocial development of teens (Identity versus Confusion).