Brenda Terry-Leonard

Brenda Terry-Leonard, Ph.D., has extensive experience providing clinical services to children and families across the developmental spectrum. She has practiced in a range of settings including a public school, a private full day special education placement, out-patient mental health centers, and a residential facility. Dr. Terry-Leonard has also served at local universities as an adjunct faculty providing instruction for a child and adolescent mental hygiene course and as a clinical coordinator for practicum and internship students. As a Clinical Psychologist with the Center for Wellbeing in School Environments (WISE), Dr. Terry-Leonard provides integrated school-based mental health services to include Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (ECMHC), educator and administrator consultation and wellbeing services, and professional development. As an Assistant Professor with the Georgetown University Medical Center, Dr. Terry-Leonard serves as a clinical supervisor for trainees. Dr. Terry-Leonard also serves on the Maryland Board of Examiners of Psychologists.