Recent Press Coverage of Dr. Hoge’s Research Program

NPR Morning Edition interview Study: Mindfulness-based stress reduction works as well as a popular anxiety drug

NBC Nightly News interview Mindfulness as an anxiety treatment could be as effective as antidepressant, study shows 

Today show Clinical trial reveals effectiveness of mindfulness vs. antidepressant article Meditation as effective as medication for anxiety, study finds

NPR Shots Meditation works as well as a popular drug to reduce anxiety, study finds

The Associated Press Mindfulness worked as well for anxiety as drug in study

CNBC Mindfulness meditation reduces anxiety as much as a common antidepressant drug, study finds

The Hill Meditation just as effective as antidepressant drug at treating anxiety: study

Forbes Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Is As Effective As Antidepressants For Anxiety Disorders, Study Finds

Us News & World Report (via HealthDay) Mindfulness Program Equals Antidepressants in Easing Anxiety Disorders 

Medscape Meditation Equal to First-Line Medication for Anxiety 

Web MD Meditation Program Fights Anxiety as Well as a Prescription Drug 

Healthline Anxiety Treatment: Mindfulness Program ‘As Effective’ As Common Antidepressant


Medium Drug-Free Anxiety Buster Works As Well as Meds, Study Reveals

UPI Meditation, common drug, help people fight anxiety equally well, study says